
Evolution of New Economic System. Foreign Economic Aspects


S. G l a z i e v, S. T k a c h u k. The Development Prospects of Eurasian Economic Integration: from the CU—the CES to the EAEC (Conceptual Aspects)



Property. Corporatization. Investments


О. D m i t r i y e v a. State Property Management in Russia: Irrationality of the Conventional Features



Financial and Credit Relations


М. E r s h o v. Back to the Problem of «the Growth of Russian Economy Monetization and Inflation Risks»



Reform and Region


О. K u z n e t s o v a. The Federal Policy in Regions: About the Ideology and Institutions



Agrarian Transformation


R. G u m e r o v. Food Security of the Country: Threats are Rising (About the Effects of the Membership in the WTO and not only about that)



World Economy


L. F o k i n a. Twenty Years of the Moldovan Economy Transformation


А. P y l i n. The Economy of the Post-Soviet Georgia: Tendencies and Problems



Critics  and Bibliography


Y u. Y a k u t i n. A Jealous of Russia (the Portrait of Nikolai Ryzhkov). Fragments of the Introduction to the Book of N. Ryzhkov «At the Turn of the Eras. Reflections»


B. P o r f i r i e v. Russian Territory Systems are in the Focus of Researchers’ Attention (about the book «The Problems of Socio-economic Systems Development», Ural Federal University and the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)