
Evolution of New Economic System


Enterprenership and Scientific-Technological Change

A. S h v e t s o v. Russian Academy of Sciences — Yet Another Target of Destructive Reforms


Finance and Credit Relations

Y u. P e t r o v. About Shaping a New Economic Model: Restriction of Budget Expenditures or Better Fiscal Performance?

E. S a v c h e n k o (Belgorod). Concerning Necessity and Substance of Macroeconomic Policy Change


Economy and Education

O. S m o l i n. Legislative Embodiment of «Dead» Education Ideology (on Entry into Force of FZ No. 273)


World Economy

Post-soviet Region

A. P y l i n. Post-soviet Azerbaijan: Phases, Trends and Prospects of Economic Development


International Relations

D. K o n d r a t o v. International Euro Market: Russian Vector of Evolution


Criticism and  Bibliography

N. Y a k u t i n, A. K n y a z e v. Failure of «Citadel» Operation (on 70th Anniversary of Kursk Battle). The Article from «Ekonomika i Zhizn» Weekly of «Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta» Publishing House

L. V a s i l i e v a, I. Z h e l t o v. New Military Econo my (from the Book «In Sight — Prokhorovka» Issued in Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Largest Tank Battle of the Great Patriotic)

N. R y z h k o v. The Third Battlefield of Russua (from the Book «At the Turn of the Eras. Reflections»)