Evolution of the Post-Soviet Economic System

General Course of Reform

Vinslav Yu.B. Formation and Contours of Modernization of the State Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation: Analysis of Post-Soviet Realities in the Context of Global Threats and Taking into Account the Experience of a Number of Foreign Countries

Financial and Credit Relations

Ershov M.V., Tanasova A.S. The New Central Bank Three-Year Plan in the Context of the Main Problems of the Russian Economy (on the Draft «Main Directions of the Unified State Monetary Policy for 2021 and the Period 2022–2023» of the Bank of Russia)


Methodology, theory, practice

Mironova I.A., Tischenko T.I. On the Methodology of Risk Assessment in Calculating the Public Efficiency of Large-scale Infrastructure Projects


World Economy

Post-Soviet Region

Gasparyan V.A., Zakharyan A.G. Armenia s Economy: Promoting Innovation Through Public Governance and Corporate Management

China Experience

Novoselova L.V. State Anti-Virus Policy: Educational Chinese Practice


Economics, Science and Education

Lyubinin A.B. From the History of the Soviet Political Economy of Socialism: «The Stalin Trap»


Criticism and Bibliography

Ustyuzhanina E.V. A Valuable Tool for Students and Teachers of Master s Degree Courses in Economics and Governance (About the Book by S.Y. Glaziev «Management of Economic Development: a Course of Lectures»)