
Evolution of New Economic System

Property. Corporatization. Investments

V. Z h u k o v s k y. Foreign Investments: an Attempt at Demystification of Sources, Nature, Structure and Results


Enterprenership and Innovation

A. L y u b i n i n, Y u. Y a k u t i n. Unique Innovation in Computerization of Management Accounting and Bookkeeping («System»: Multilevel Opportunities for Shaping and Analyzing Performance Indicators Online)


Economy and Education

Reorganization of the Educational Sphere

I. I g n a t o v. Higher Education and Scientific Activities in Higher Educational Institutions in Russia: Crisis Structure and Anti-Crisis Proposals


Economist in Classroom

Y u. O l s e v i c h. Modern «Mainstream» Crisis as Estimated by its Proponents (Preliminary Analysis)


World Economy

E. K u z m i n a. Socio-Economic Dynamics of Post-Soviet Kazakhstan


Criticism and  Bibliography

Y u. Y a k u t i n. Business Press in Russia: Traditions, Continuity, Innovations (from Prolusion to I.D.Arkhangelskaya Book «We Scarcely Know Russia …» Published by «Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta» Publishing House in Commemoration of the 120th Anniversary of «Torgovo-Promyshlennaya Gazeta» and the 95th Anniversary of «Ekonomika i Zhizn» Newspaper)

In Commemoration of A.I.Anchishkin’s 80th Birthday Anniversary (from Media Publications)


Scientific Reports. Forum

E. K u s h e l. Safety Factor in University Competitive Strategy